The Films that 'Michael Douglas' have starred in :-
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966)
Wheres Jack (1969)
Hail, Hero! (1969)
Adam at 6A.M. (1970)
Summertree (1971)
Napoleon and Samantha (1972)
Coma (1978)
The China Syndrome (1979)
Running (1979)
Its My Turn (1980)
The Star Chamber (1983)
Romancing the Stone (1984)
The Jewel of the Nile (1985)
A Chorus Line (1985)
Fatal attraction (1987)
Wall Street (1987)
Black Rain (1989)
The War iof the Roses (1989)
Shining Through (1992)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Falling Down (1993)
Disclosure (1994)
The American President (1995)
The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
The Game (1997)
A Perfect Murder (1998)
One Day in September (1999)
Forever Hollywood (1999)
Wonder boys (2000)
Traffic (2000)
In Search of Peace (2000)
One Night at McCools (2001)
Dont Say a Word (2001)
Smoke & Mirrors (2002)